Home > 1 sugar maple Acer saccharum
1 sugar maple Acer saccharum

Product Description
you are buying 1 sugar maple seedling 12-18",Sugar Maple is best known for its spectacular fall beauty. Imagine flaming crimson, vivid orange and brilliant yellow displayed on your Sugar Maple all at the same time. The effect of the variety of changing colors will dazzle you and your neighbors. It is one of the most remarkable fall displays of color you will see in your neighborhood.
Sugar Maples are one of the most incredible landscape trees available for several reasons. They grow straight and true with a rounded crown that’s not only attractive for your yard but perfect for supplying a little shade on a summer day.
sugar maple can grow up to 100 feet, depending upon the conditions. Unlike a lot of trees, your Maple will do well even in the shade of other trees in your yard, and it won’t mind heat or drought. It’s adaptable to many conditions.
One of the most remarkable assets of your Sugar Maple is its sap. Sweeter than the sap of other Maples, the Sugar Maple sap produces syrup that is less cloudy and of higher quality. It’s so easy to drain off some sap and boil it down that you’ll be giving samples of your syrup to friends and family in no time.
Sugar Maples are also prized for their wood. It’s very hard and dense, making a good choice for everything from furniture to flooring.
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